Nestor Makhno Paysan d'Ukraine / Peasant from Ukraine (1996) (EN, NL subtitles) [1080p upscale]
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Nestor Makhno Paysan d'Ukraine / Peasant from Ukraine (1996) (EN, NL subtitles) [1080p upscale]
- Publication date
- 1996
- Topics
- nestor makhno, nestor machno, makhnovshchina, black army, toilers, peasant, anarchist, ukraine, ukrainian anarchists, oekraïne, makhnovia, free territory, platformism, peasant revolt, revolution, anarchism, anarchists, anarchisme, state capitalism, class war, insurrection, expropriation, mosfilm, october revolution, voline, arshinov, helene chatelain, moscow, russia, feudalism, soviet union, bolsheviks, bolshevism, lenin, trotsky, propaganda, arte, francisco ferrer, russian revolution, russische revolutie, antisemitism, rusland, cossacks, kozakken
- Item Size
- 2.1G
Specs Upscaled to 1080p using TopazLabs Video Enhance AI v.2.3.0 on the Artemis Low Quality model
Video source 1080p Joseph Redman
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FRANÇAIS • Portrait de l'anarchiste Nestor Makhno qui est à l'initiative des premières communes libertaires autogérées en Ukraine, des soviets libres. Nestor Makhno défend les pauvres, la culture et la liberté, en 1917, il exproprie les aristocrates et les terres deviennent propriété sociale, un agriculteur ne pouvant posséder que la superficie qu'il peut cultiver seul sans salarié. Cette insurrection libertaire dans les terres cosaques est une des plus exemplaires réalisations de l'idéal anarchiste communiste, portée par la population, sur sa terre.
Simultanément, il lutte victorieusement contre les Russes blancs avec son armée, la Makhnovchtchina. Mais en 1921 son alliée se retourne contre lui, l'armée rouge sous les ordres de Trotski détruit la Makhnovchtchina et contraint Makhno à l'exil, il finira sa vie à Paris. Nestor Makhno en 1919, extrait d'un film d'archives découvert par Hélène Chatelain.
Dans ce portait, Hélène Chatelain retrouve et reprend les écrits de Makhno, depuis ses journaux de jeunesse. Elle va à Goulaï-Polié et les fait lire aux actuels habitants. Son enquête en Ukraine, révèle ce que les mémoires conservent de lui, le batko («le petit père»).
L'iconographie, les nombreux documents d'archives et les témoignages montrent cette légendaire figure insurrectionnelle mais aussi ce que la propagande soviétique a voulu faire de lui: un paysan attardé, fou sanguinaire et antisémite. Avec les preuves récoltées, Hélène Chatelain démonte les accusations calomnieuses que les dirigeants communistes ont répandu, par exemple sur le prétendu antisémitisme de Makhno, alors qu'il l'a combattu dès ses premières actions. (wikipedia)
Lectures complémentaires
ENGLISH • Nestor Makhno, peasant from Ukraine
Portrait of the anarchist Nestor Makhno who initiated the first self-managed libertarian communes in Ukraine, the free soviets. Nestor Makhno defends the poor, culture and freedom in 1917, when he expropriates the aristocrats and the land becomes social property. Farmers being able to own only the surface that they can cultivate alone without employees. This libertarian insurrection in the Cossack lands is one of the most exemplary realisations of the anarchist communist ideal, carried out by the population, on their land.
At the same time, he with his army the Makhnovshchina fought victoriously against the Whites. But in 1921 his ally turns against him, the Red Army under Trotsky's orders destroys the Makhnovshchina and forces Makhno to exile. His life will end in Paris. In this portrait, Hélène Chatelain finds and resumes Makhno's writings from his youthful diaries. In 1993, she goes to Gulyai-Polye and makes them read to the current inhabitants. Her investigation in Ukraine reveals what memories preserve of him, the batko ("the little father"). The iconography, numerous archive documents and testimonies show this legendary insurrectionary figure but also what Soviet propaganda wanted to make of him: a retarded peasant, bloodthirsty madman and anti-Semite. With the evidence gathered, Hélène Chatelain dismantles the slanderous accusations that the communist leaders spread, for example on Makhno's alleged anti-Semitism, whereas he fought against it from his first actions. (wikipedia)
Further reading
- Interview with Hélène Chatelain
- Atamansha
- Reviews on Letterboxd
NEDERLANDS • Nestor Machno, landarbeider uit Oekraïne
Portret van de anarchist Nestor Machno die de eerste zelfbeheerde libertaire communes in Oekraïne initieerde, de vrije sovjets. Nestor Machno verdedigt de armen, de cultuur en de vrijheid. In 1917 onteigent hij de aristocraten en wordt de grond gemeenschappelijk eigendom, waarbij een boer alleen de grond mag bezitten die hij alleen en zonder werknemers kan bewerken. Deze libertaire opstand in Kozakkengebied is een van de meest exemplarische realisaties van het anarchistisch-communistische ideaal, uitgevoerd door de bevolking, op haar land.
Tegelijkertijd viert hij met zijn leger de Machnovsjtsjina de overwinning op het Witte Leger. Maar in 1921 keert zijn bondgenoot zich tegen hem, het Rode Leger vernietigt op bevel van Trotski de Machnovsjtsjina en dwingt Machno tot ballingschap, en hij zal berooid uitwijken naar Parijs.
In dit portret vindt Hélène Chatelain de geschriften van Machno uit zijn jeugddagboeken terug en neemt ze opnieuw tot zich. In 1993 gaat ze naar Hoeljajpole en laat ze ze voorlezen aan de huidige bewoners. Haar onderzoek in Oekraïne onthult welke herinneringen er aan hem, de batko ("de kleine vader"), bewaard zijn gebleven.
De iconografie, talrijke archiefdocumenten en getuigenissen laten deze legendarische opstandeling zien, maar ook wat de Sovjet-propaganda van hem wilde maken: een achterlijke boer, bloeddorstige gek en anti-semiet. Met de verzamelde bewijzen ontmantelt Hélène Chatelain de lasterlijke beschuldigingen die de communistische leiders verspreidden, bijvoorbeeld over Machno's vermeende antisemitisme, terwijl hij dit vanaf zijn eerste acties bestreed. (wikipedia)
Zie ook
- Addeddate
- 2019-12-01 18:42:21
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- Identifier
- nestormakhnopayasansdukraine
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- Ocr
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- Ppi
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- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
- Sound
- sound
- Year
- 1996
Tommy Robinson Junior
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August 11, 2024
Subject: Dutch Government has been involved in the murder (war crime) of an unarmed Palestinian in Dubai hotel
The Israeli Mossad has penetrated deeply into both Dutch politics and the Dutch security services, including the University of Groningen:
MP4 Format:
PDF Format:
The Jewish plot to destroy Christianity by deliberately sending undercover Jewish pedophiles who pretend to be Christians, but are actually Jews, to sexually abuse the children of Christians in the churches as much as possible, with the aim of destroying all of Christianity destroy:
The Jewish plot to destroy Christianity by deliberately sending undercover Jewish pedophiles who pretend to be Christians, but are actually Jews, to sexually abuse the children of Christians in the churches as much as possible, with the aim of destroying all of Christianity destroy.
The truth is that Jews hold the biggest and worst pedophile beliefs in human history and they are not only pedophiles but they are also baby rapists.
and these are not my words but all evidence literally comes from their Jewish faith, namely their Talmud sacred Jewish book.
Also see how the Jewish Mossad is fully infiltrated in the European government.
And their goal is clear, namely destroying Christian norms and values and getting Muslims from abroad so that Christians become completely in the minority over time so that Christianity fades away.
We also hear clear statements from real Jews that this is absolutely their main goal.
besides the fact that it is the Jewish pedophiles who have infiltrated the churches with the main goal of sexually abusing all children of Christians so that the church will be destroyed from the heart, namely from within by the Jewish Trojan horse, namely the Jewish pedophiles who pretend to be Christians.
it is clear that the jews and Zionists are in power in politics and they are also responsible for all foreigners coming to Europe and this is not just a coincidence!
They are clearly doing this on purpose so that more Muslims come and the jews themselves declare that the jews let the Muslims come to Europe for only 1 purpose and that is to destroy Christianity and they claim that the Muslims will do this for the jews, literally the jews say in these videos:
The Muslims will do the dirty work for the jews by wiping out the Christian faith from the face of the earth in Europe.
Islam Is The Broom Of Israel. Rabbi Rav Touitou:
Barbara Lerner Spectre and Jewish implementation of multiracial multiculturalism in the Europe:
Subject: Dutch Government has been involved in the murder (war crime) of an unarmed Palestinian in Dubai hotel
The Israeli Mossad has penetrated deeply into both Dutch politics and the Dutch security services, including the University of Groningen:
MP4 Format:
PDF Format:
The Jewish plot to destroy Christianity by deliberately sending undercover Jewish pedophiles who pretend to be Christians, but are actually Jews, to sexually abuse the children of Christians in the churches as much as possible, with the aim of destroying all of Christianity destroy:
The Jewish plot to destroy Christianity by deliberately sending undercover Jewish pedophiles who pretend to be Christians, but are actually Jews, to sexually abuse the children of Christians in the churches as much as possible, with the aim of destroying all of Christianity destroy.
The truth is that Jews hold the biggest and worst pedophile beliefs in human history and they are not only pedophiles but they are also baby rapists.
and these are not my words but all evidence literally comes from their Jewish faith, namely their Talmud sacred Jewish book.
Also see how the Jewish Mossad is fully infiltrated in the European government.
And their goal is clear, namely destroying Christian norms and values and getting Muslims from abroad so that Christians become completely in the minority over time so that Christianity fades away.
We also hear clear statements from real Jews that this is absolutely their main goal.
besides the fact that it is the Jewish pedophiles who have infiltrated the churches with the main goal of sexually abusing all children of Christians so that the church will be destroyed from the heart, namely from within by the Jewish Trojan horse, namely the Jewish pedophiles who pretend to be Christians.
it is clear that the jews and Zionists are in power in politics and they are also responsible for all foreigners coming to Europe and this is not just a coincidence!
They are clearly doing this on purpose so that more Muslims come and the jews themselves declare that the jews let the Muslims come to Europe for only 1 purpose and that is to destroy Christianity and they claim that the Muslims will do this for the jews, literally the jews say in these videos:
The Muslims will do the dirty work for the jews by wiping out the Christian faith from the face of the earth in Europe.
Islam Is The Broom Of Israel. Rabbi Rav Touitou:
Barbara Lerner Spectre and Jewish implementation of multiracial multiculturalism in the Europe:
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 12, 2021
Subject: Please contact me
Subject: Please contact me
Hi, my name is andrew and I'm a fellow subtitler. I just wanted to get in touch with you about possibly collaborating on a project. Maybe we could split the 4 part Goulag series (by Helene Chatelain as well) - I have the scripts from doriane productions. I'd love to hear from you, my email is - maybe we could collaborate or trade some docs. You can check out some of subtitling stuff on my youtube page here
would love to hear from you!
would love to hear from you!
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